strawberry tarte "I'm making a French strawberry tarte", Caydance said when Edelira called on Saturday morning. "It will be late when we get into Santa Cruz, so, we will stop to eat there, and then we will go home for dessert. Also I'm bringing Prosecco, and I made apple scones to go with breakfast. If we sit in the patio we can watch waves roll onto the beach in the early morning sun."

arrow There was a thinking-space quiet on the Miami end of the conversation, and then Edelira responded. "Sometimes identity is the way the details of our lives and work are integrated", she said. "I’m calling to tell you that having now spent a week with various members of his family, Juanjose is coming to my place tonight, and he will stay a week. It is the longest time we have ever spent together. Tonight I am cooking thinly sliced prime beef, marinated in garlic, lime, and olive oil, topped with caramelized onions and cilantro, and served with white rice and black beans. Bistec de Palomilla. And then we will drink Mojitos and sit on back porch while the sun goes down."