stairs and cakes "Before I return the BOWAK, I would like to go to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and make sure that the key in the lost and found does not open it," Caydance had told Griff and Jack. "I want to be able to truthfully write that I followed leads that might lead to the whereabouts of the key. Also, my friend, who identified the steps to the museum and the Thiebaud cakes in in their collection, will want to know what happened in the Museum lost and found."

"Given the contents of the scroll hidden inside of the BOWAK, I think it unlikely that a key to the BOWAK exists anywhere other than in the hide-a-key under the 1957 Ford. However, keeping your actions what they would normally be is not a bad idea," Jack responded.

arrow "Lunch in the Museum cafe!", Griff had interjected. "I'd enjoy going with you. And if Jack thinks there is any danger involved, some of my friends will be happy to join us"