catalog cover It had not been her intention to spend Saturday morning at home with the art histories of durational performances. But, there was an empty space on her studio table where the BOWAK had been, and its absence was unsettling. Contingently, in the process, of reviewing Howard Fried’s work, she was dismayed that in the "breaking the codex" class, she had not included the work of Robin Winters, the artist who remained with Fried for the entire 6 hours. In Fried's words:

"After about six hours of walking everyone had left except one person, Robin Winters. At about 2 a.m. we were stopped by the police in Hayward, California. They made me tell them the answer to the riddle. We went into a parking lot so Robin couldn’t hear."

arrow The first of two works that should have been included, she determined, was the installation where in a room Winters' drawings were concealed under plaster tiles, and in order to see the drawings viewers had to lift each tile. The second was a part of the Ghent-based exhibition Chambres d'Amis.