As she packed slides of accordion fold books to sort at the beach house on Sunday, Caydance was considering Carl's observation that given the SFMOMA-suggestive icons and his student’s missing key experience, SFMOMA's Lost & Found was a likely place to find the key. But, since she would have to make sure that the key fit the book, she could not do this without the BOWAK. Would Jack return the BOWAK when he stopped at the Beach House on Sunday? Would the agency lab have opened it without the key? If so, would Jack tell her? In her mind, Caydance was rerunning the uneasy mix -- of loss of control of what had been a commission and emerging issues regarding the intention of the work -- when the telephone rang.

"Good to hear your voice", she said in response to Judith Hoffberg's recognizable, warm greeting.

arrow Judith had planned to be in San Francisco soon. Had hoped to make time for coffee with Caydance, but, not unexpectedly, she was submerged in writing reviews for the Winter issue of Umbrella and in plans for an exhibition at the Fresno Arts Center and Museum, where with the provocative name of "Undercover", she was curating a show of women book artists.