"Un tiempo maravilloso," Edelira said on the telephone, her voice rising and falling as she recounted eight days with Juanjose in Little Havana. Todo perfecto! He leaves on Monday. Estoy muy triste y muy solo. I am so happy. I am so sad. We imagine setting my house down in the Mission. I imagine a job in San Francisco. But his apartment is a dark one bedroom. In the sunny kitchen and the pretty bedroom in my house, we are happy. He considers playing music where he was born. But in the Mission, he is playing the music of where he was born. Ocupados haciendo el amor. We were too busy making love to confront realities. Tonight, he is playing with an old friend's band. He borrowed Beto's drums. I will wear a new red dress. On Sunday, there is a football party at Sister no 1's house. Papa and Sister no 2's husband will drink way too much rum. How do the Dolphins look against the Raiders?"

arrow "A house full of Dolphins fans, on a day in Florida when rain and mud will favor down and dirty Raiders defense, and high winds will interfere with Dan Marino's passes? Marcus Allen will play. Or so, I hear from a reliable source. On your last night together? My advice. Leave the party early and spend a memorable Sunday night at your house. Then when you are in San Francisco, you and I will explore The Mission, where from artist friends, I have heard of small houses with hidden gardens."