BlackKnights Hockey Jersey Caydance did not get up when the alarm went off on Tuesday morning. What to wear was a problem due to spending the weekend with Griff and not doing laundry. She burnt leftover waffle batter in the waffle grill. Ate leftover sausages. She was out of Peet's coffee; made some instant expresso that did not precisely taste like coffee.

She was only about ten minutes late for class, but by the time she got there, Yuri was already there, easily recognizable wearing a West Point Black Knights hockey jersey with the sleeves cut off at the shoulders, revealing well-muscled arms; wearing tight black jeans with two bulges one of which looked like a gun. So much for cover, Caydance thought.

arrow Yuri's hair was blond, bleached on the top. At least half the class was listening to him talk about his post in Leningrad, his desire to learn about artists books, and his need for his classmates' help in translating. He was speaking fractured English, although Jack had told her that Yuri was born in Brooklyn.