catle On the classroom studio table, many works were displayed. Griff walked over to look. Caydance introduced him as her boyfriend.

Several students offered to show him their works on the table where they now resided. He opened boxes, unfolded accordion fold books, observed a Chinese opera house stage, made from altered discarded books and accompanied by a small artist's notebook that contained drawings of the main characters in an opera called The Peony Pavilion; found and traversed the rafting photobook that Caydance had described; listened to the sound that when he pushed a button, emanated from a pile of books about music; watched the Pride parade on an altered ViewMaster reel.

Several students asked to see his Super Bowl ring and then looked at Caydance with new respect. If this was one of Griff's favorite parts of the afternoon, he did not say so.

arrow They walked to the rooftop cafe and looked at the view of the ocean. They sat in the courtyard and watched orange fish swimming in the fountain pool.