The first thing that Caydance did on the day after the museum adventure was to pack up the BOWAK and send it back to Major Knox along with a letter. In the letter she told him that she had taken the commission as far as she could. The artist was most likely to be Mackie Alarie, whose whereabouts was unknown. She had followed all the leads that she knew to be possible including the plop art Guardian Statue and the Lost and Found at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, but had not been able to locate the key. She recommended that he try to find Mackie Alarie's whereabouts through sources that located missing persons. It was possible that he was in Mexico.

arrow The irony of this was, of course, that Mackie Alarie was Major Knox, but as far as she knew, Major Knox was not aware that the BOWAK had been opened, and that she knew that he was Mackie Alarie.

Caydance had kept track of the time spent on this commission and along with the BOWAK, she sent a check which equaled the portion of the $10,000 originally sent by Lucy, minus the amount of her bill.

By lunch time on Thursday October 30, the BOWAK had been Fedexed to Major Knox Ventures.