Wednesday morning the telephone call was from her Father, who had been remarkably quiet in the last few weeks. Perhaps he didn't want to interfere in any way with her relationship with Griff; perhaps he had been waiting to hear what her brother said; perhaps he had reports from friends on the Stanford coaching staff and didn't need to talk with his daughter. Probably all three, she thought. "Hello Dad!"

arrow "I hear that surprisingly your relationship with Griff McGuire is likely to last, and that I should expect a son-in-law in a few years. Furthermore, Mom and I will like him." There was a long pause while Caydance silently cursed her brother; realized that she had given Griff's Dad photos but had not thought of sending them to her parents; considered throwing cold water on her Father's assumptions.

"Dad," she said, not entirely truthfully "I have not thought that far ahead. Griff will finish law school, but he doesn't plan to immediately go into law practice. His goal is the Raiders coaching staff, but the NFL is not usually where first year assistant coaches begin. A high school in the middle of nowhere would not be uncommon.

Meanwhile, the Bay Area art world where I belong is San Francisco and the East Bay."