"Dad," she asked, "Did you want to be a coach?"

"I wanted to be a hockey coach. but Caydance, before you were born there was a War. I was playing semi-pro hockey; drafted, not sent overseas but to Washington to see that the Army 10th Mountain Division got the clothes and equipment they needed, not just for training in Colorado but also for what lay ahead in the mountains of Italy. I'd spent summers working for O'Brien. Did not have the skills to be a mountaineer or a skier. When the war was over. I stayed with what I knew; worked for O'Brien, married your Mom; raised a family. Do I envy Griff McGuire? Yes. Do I want you to be a part of his life. Yes. But relationships between men and woman are different these days. I know that."

arrow "Sometimes it seems that Griff approaches life, as if it was a weekly game plan. Maybe he'd be happy if I moved to Palo Alto for the next few years, although he hasn't asked. I want to stay in San Francisco for the next few years. I have not said this, and I don't share with him everything that I do in the City. But the truth is that I no longer envision a future without him.”

"Men don't always share all that they think or do," Mac O'Brien responded. "But if Griff McGuire can face the Trojans on Saturday , he can work things out with you."