Cuban drums "The surprise is that I'm seriously considering applying for Grad School in music. It was Beto's suggestion. He thinks that in California, I can get funding. The process of applying will take a year, But with a grad degree, I could teach in Miami or in the Bay Area."

"What a wonderful idea! I'm pretty sure you can get a full scholarship, maybe even with living expenses."

"If Beto hadn't suggested it, I don't think JJ would have gone for it. But for him, opportunities are emerging. A Two Cuban Drummers recording by Juanjose and Macario is in the works -- recorded in San Francisco because Macario and his partner, Álvaro want to spend time in a place where they can walk hand in hand in the streets. But you, Caydance, are unusually quiet. What are you and Griff doing for Thanksgiving?"

arrow "The good news is that on the weekend that you will hear Juanjose and Macario play, Stanford will be playing Arizona at the National Olympic Stadium in Tokyo. But...sigh...the team and all the coaches leave for Japan before Thanksgiving, and at home on TV, I will watch the game by myself".