bear Final score: Cal 17 Stanford 11. Cal fans poured into the field. Griff had expected a locker room celebration of undetermined length -- before the Stanford Players got on the bus. That was not to be. But generally Graduate Assistant Coaches checked the sidelines for forgotten gear. In Stanford seats, all around her, glum fans slowly packed up, while, as they had agreed, Caydance waited for Griff in the stands.

Griff was not the only one who thought that at the end of the game he would be in the locker room celebrating.

Across the field, near the top of the stadium, Jack and Yuri had spotted what looked like a bear, or more likely, a man dressed in a bear outfit. It was not friendly looking Oski, the Cal Bears' mascot, but a shaggy, angry looking creature with sharp claws and an evil grin.

arrow Instead of leaving with the fans, it appeared to be heading down the stands to the area where Caydance was sitting.