Jack and Yuri returned to Memorial Stadium with the news that Mackie Alarie had run into the entire Stanford defense and subsequently (somewhat battered) had been handcuffed and taken into custody. To the West, the sun was low on San Francisco Bay. Above the stadium, smoke from the California Victory Cannon lingered on Tightwad Hill. Courtesy of Coach Elway, Jack handed Stanford Graduate Assistant Coach, Griff McGuire The Big Game game film. A week later at Tokyo Olympic Memorial Stadium, Stanford would seek victory in the game against Arizona. It was time to go home.

Griff drove Caydance's blue Volvo home, which that night was her studio in San Francisco. Sunday morning, they would drive down the coast to Griff's Beach house, where they would celebrate Thanksgiving a few days early because on Thanksgiving Day Griff would be in Tokyo, preparing for the game with Arizona, and they would not see each other again until the following week.

arrow Before they crossed the Bay Bridge, Griff pulled into the parking lot of the waterfront restaurant and bar, where they first met. "I could say that I need to stretch my leg", he said, "but the truth is that I want to kiss you in this place where we kissed for the first time. This time, I don't have to leave to get to practice."