On the evening of the UCLA Game, dinner had been filet mignon wrapped in bacon, a classic Caesar Salad, and baking potatoes placed in the oven when Griff had called from the airport to say he was on his way. It wasn't until after dessert of ice cream with caramel and pecan sauce and Irish coffee that she told him how a message from "Major Knox" had arrived while the team was on the way to Pasadena.

lunch As she prepared to leave the deli and join the crowds heading to Memorial Stadium, Caydance remembered playing that message for Griff. Although she did not want to hear it again, from her telephone answering machine, in the otherwise silent studio, the voice of Mackie Alarie emerged.

arrow The tape had reached the part where Alarie/Knox said that on Saturday afternoon he was planning to take time off from his busy schedule and open the book object, when the sound of his shivery voice was interrupted by the sound of the buzzer announcing that someone had arrived at the front door of the building.