Joe Kapp Across the field, former star quarterback for Cal, former Minnesota Vikings quarterback, tough Chicano from the lettuce fields of Salinas, Joe Kapp -- in khaki pants, a midnight blue shirt with a touch of tee-shirt gold exposed -- was ready for a fight. In the wake of the zipper incident and a losing season, Kapp, who had been fired, was coaching his last game for Cal.

Jack_Elway In a white shirt, black pants and dark red Stanford hat, brim flipped up, intense, dedicated, ready to payback Cal for the 1982 Game that ruined his son John's last game as a college football player, Coach Elroy was pacing the sidelines.

arrow Graduate Assistant Coach Griff McGuire, hat off, a dark red sweater over a white shirt, was standing where he always stood, not far from where Caydance sat. Usually he waved to her, but either he had noticed the blue and gold earrings -- or her late appearance only minutes before the game began -- was not well received.