thermos Back and forth back and forth, defense on both sides so strong that the stadium was rocking with cheers for tackling prowess. Caydance unscrewed the silver-tin cup from the top of her thermos bottle. Into it she decanted rosé wine leftover-from-the-deli.

On the field. Suddenly. Kevin Brown to Mike Ford .A thrilling catch. A break-out run. A 61 yard pickup. Cal was on the Stanford 25. Caydance stood up. A loud "Go Cal" almost issued from her mouth. Just in time she realized which side she was on and -- forgetting how good Griff's hearing was -- changed the volume to a barely audible whisper. "Go Cal."

Giff looked up. Cal Quarterback Kevin Brown -- who had emerged (from the throw-to-Ford pileup) looking as if he had had a-concussion-that-he-wasn't-going-to-admit-to -- found Devers down to the 4 yard line. "Hold that line!" Caydance spoke to the Stanford Defense. Loudly enough for Griff to hear. He smiled. Waved. Turned back to the field.

arrow Brown to wide receiver Wendell Peoples. Cal 10 Stanford 0. Griff turned, looked up at Caydance, said something. The roar of the Cal crowd was so loud that she could not hear his words.