studio icon The next image that -- on the accordion fold tale/tail that emerged from the artists-book-with no key -- appeared to be another transferred black and white photo of the kind a child might take during a baseball game. Or, it was a blurred newspaper photo. A player, a big man with long legs, running across what was probably home plate. He was wearing a Boston Red Sox uniform. Because the image showed only his front, his number was not visible.

But -- if the victorious player was Ted Williams and if she could now identify the artist who made the book-object-without-a key as a male about her age, whose childhood was spent in the Boston area -- were not foremost on her mind.

studio icon Because her grandparents lived in Boston, Caydance and her family had been to Fenway Park many times, even though she lived in New Jersey, she thought as she called Information and obtained the phone number for the Stanford Football Ticketing Office.