Tuesday evening, a few hours after she returned from class, her father telephoned. Beginning with her Mother's visit to family in Boston, the loneliness of the house, when Mom would return, it was initially not an awkward conversation. Her father's generation did not know how to cook dinner, and the conversation would soon segue to how to make tuna casserole or whatever else for which her Mother had probably left ingredients, a can opener, and clear instructions.

But soon it became apparent that not only did her Father know that she had been at the Stanford-San Jose State Game on Saturday, the score of that game, and the passing statistics for each quarterback, but also, he knew that she would be meeting Griff McGuire on Wednesday. Tomorrow.

How could such a private moment be known to her father? Caydance wondered. Yes, her father knew a lot of coaches. Yes, her name was unusual, but ... And then she remembered the crowd at the stadium yelling "yes".

"And him with a bad knee", her Father added cryptically. Clearly, he was enjoying himself.

studio icon "I don't know what you are talking about", Dad, Caydance replied.