the Stanford stands At halftime all around her people were leaving their seats in search of hotdogs and whatever was available to drink. But not only had Caydance brought a picnic, but also, she had spotted Griff on the sidelines.

As she guessed and as was apparent, he was a Graduate Assistant Offensive Coach. The Head Coach, as Caydance knew because she had been reading the Chronicle’s sports pages, was Jack Elway, not former Stanford Quarterback, John Elway, who had after some musical chairs been drafted by the Broncos, but his Father, who had moved from San Jose State Head Football Coach to Stanford, after his son graduated.

studio icon In her last year of High School, at her Father's invitation, football graduate assistants had appeared at dinner with some regularity, Caydance remembered, as she stood up, precisely when Griff turned around to head into the locker room.