studio icon "It was a sunny October Saturday in 1952", her Father began. "I had been to the Princeton Rutgers game and was headed down Witherspoon street to my car, which was parked at some distance from the Stadium. Suddenly"... Her father paused for dramatic effect. "Suddenly, I saw a beautiful woman. She was walking on the public library side of the street, and she wore her strawberry blond hair pulled back in a ponytail."

Caydance had heard this story several times, but she had learned long ago that when her Father began a story, it was better not to remind him of how many times he had already told it.

studio icon "I watched her enter the library. Waited a few minutes so as not to appear a stalker, and then entered the library, a place where I had not been for many years. She was stationed behind a desk. I walked over and asked if the library had the first book that I wanted to read that came to mind. It was The Hockey Handbook by Lloyd Percival.