The follow-up telephone call from her Father was not unexpected.

Other children's Dads spent weekdays in offices or on the Princeton campus or in various places where Dads went, Caydance remembered. But her Dad, spent his days going to football games, baseball games, hockey games, and basketball games. Watching tennis matches at Longwood, talking to coaches on the sidelines of High School practice sessions, visiting ski areas started by old friends from the US Army 10th Mountain Division, and going fishing with players, whose names were headlined in the Sports Sections of national newspapers.

At her Grandfather's nationwide chain of sporting goods stores, years ago her Dad had rejected an office job and instead created his own job, where meeting players and management teams for beer or dinner. or even sometimes for breakfast was expected. These events, she recollected his telling her mother with some frequency, were his job.

arrow icon "Today I would like to tell you a story." her father began.