miami On Thursday evening, while Caydance was diligently making a separate notebook page for each image on the exterior of the key-less object -- and wondering if the Stanford team had arrived in Corvallis -- the telephone rang. Calling from Miami, Edelira began talking so rapidly that before she had time to say more than "hello", Caydance heard that Juanjose had agreed that in October he would spend two weeks in Miami -- half the time with his family and half the time with her.

"Just watching you dance together; the way you looked at each other when we all met for dinner. Wow!" Caydance replied. "He's the first man I've seen you with for a long time with whom I thought that you would be happy. Very happy. What are the chances are that he will decide to move back to Miami?"

studio icon "The pact we made is that if afterwards he feels that returning to Miami will not work for him, I will start looking for work in the Bay Area."