On Saturday afternoon, the Folsom Street entrance to New Langton Arts was familiar, although the space had moved from its original location at 80 Langton Street -- where it had been since the mid-1970s, where what now seemed long ago, she had seen the initial exhibition, Peter D'Agostino's three channel video installation: The Walk Series, with its real-time walks through contrasting San Francisco landscapes of roof, fence, and beach.

studio icon Video Installed, the exhibition Caydance was entering for the second time, consisted of Doug Hall's The Plains of San Agustin; a large color-intensive wall projection and contrasting gallery installed disassembled black and white monitor; Francesc Torres' speed and violence-confronting six monitor semi-circle: The Dictatorship of Swiftness; and Steina (Vasulka’s) two channel The West, with its painterly contrast of Chaco Canyon and the Very Large Array, an immense radio telescope in the Southwest desert.