studio icon A waitress appeared. Brought Griff a substantial draft beer, which she put pointedly at the place where his chair belonged. Caydance ordered an IPA from a Marin County microbrewery.

Griff retrieved his beer. He had to go to the coaches' practice plan meeting when he got home and then he had to study for his Civil Procedures class, he said. He needed a double bacon cheeseburger, French fries, and onion rings.

What with shopping for the shirt she was wearing, prep for her next class, and washing her hair, Caydance had not had lunch. She desired a cheeseburger, French fries, and a spinach salad, she replied.

studio icon "While we wait", he said, "I will tell you the story of how a mathematician met a French Canadian figure skater at a Conference in Montreal. And how many years it took my Father to ask her for a date."