painting of cakes "In a surprising move for a man, whose idea of exercise was and is going downstairs to the basement to run software on a home-built computer, my Father sat down beside her notebook.

"Her goal, she -- her name was/is Genevieve -- told him was to skate in the Nationals. To do this she would need to do a double lutz almost as well as Barbara Ann Scott. It was, my Father thought, an interesting dynamic systems problem that in this case, as he explained to Genevieve, probably depended on variables, such as approach velocity, rotational speed, angular momentum, and your arm position in the air." Griff's large muscular arm, Caydance was aware, was now touching her shoulder.

studio icon "When he left the coffee house," Griff continued, "my Father was only five minutes late for his talk, and Genevieve had his address. But he lived 2,879 miles from Montreal, and he did not expect to ever see her again."

Laden with hamburgers and French fries, the waitress, Caydance observed, was approaching their table.