view "In the short time we have remaining on the beach today, I would like to invite you to spend next Saturday night with me", Griff McGuire said to Caydance Skye O'Brien. "But first, let’s walk along the water a ways down this beach, and I'll show you where we will stay. According to the Stanford coaches, this is the proper thing to do. I was interested because to my knowledge, such advice has never been heard from Raiders coaches."

As with the receding tide, small waves slipped in and out beneath their bare feet, they walked along the shore, picking up shells and sea-polished pebbles. There was, Caydance assumed, an inn or a B&B somewhere above the beach.

studio icon At the end of the beach, she followed Griff on a path that led up a hilly bluff to a group of weathered houses that overlooked the ocean.