"In the morning", Caydance began, "two works keyed discussion: Eleanor Antin's 100 boots, a photographed adventure of 100 rubber boots, and the Mojo Navigator, a legendary rock music zine. Several students made the point that creating these works was within an art student's reach. And, they had impact. Eventually 100 boots was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, and Mojo Navigator is credited for inspiring Rolling Stone magazine.

"Other students were awed by the work they had seen at the Installed Video exhibition. One student described Steina's four monitor The West, lingering on its contrast between the ruins of Native American civilization at Chaco Canyon and the gigantic desert-situated radio telescope called the Very Large Array."

arrow Caydance was on an art talk roll. Griff was listening -- asking questions, making occasional comments, drinking beer, and eating potato chips -- as if art talk was a TV sitcom.