"If I told you all the hits our Defense made", Griff continued. "we'd be in Santa Cruz before I got to the Offense, but since I'm on the Offensive Coaching team, this story will move to when the rain had begun in earnest, and time was running out in the second quarter. That was when we put on a hell of a drive with Paye to Brad Muster in fine throw and catch rhythm. Brad scored on a lateral pass, and we went into the locker room 10-0."

There was a pause in the narrative. "You like coaching," Caydance observed.

studio icon "I'm surprised at how much", Griff responded. "When it was clear that I could no longer run, and my identity as a Raider was lost, I thought it was the end of the world. But now..." He looked at Caydance. Suddenly in the environment of the soft leather seats and black dashboard and in the hum and motion of the powerful Porsche on a mountain road, the chemistry was intoxicating. "I have to pull over and move my knee", he said.