beach On this late September Sunday morning, the beach, a known but not widely-known beach North of Santa Cruz, was sparsely peopled with locals with families and/or dogs -- and a few other young couples. The ocean was an otherworldly emerald blue. Water rippled slowly onto the beach, followed by gentle white capped waves. To the right, like small castles, rock formations jutted from the sea.

It was that time in a new relationship where they were lost in each other's company. This had not happened to either of them for quite a while, and they were content with their shared space on the warm white sand.

studio icon "This is beautiful," Caydance said to Griff. He smiled and looked out to sea. A light breeze ruffled her strawberry blond hair, which hung loose below her shoulders. She brushed her lips across his check. Not the sensual shared kiss in the meadow but nevertheless an invitation. Not surprisingly for a wide receiver, he knew precisely how to use his hands.