road home It was not a long walk from her studio to the Far East Cafe in Chinatown, where she would meet Griff and his father for dinner. Caydance was wearing a silver-grey skirt that flared in the early October breeze, a silky gray v-neck sweater that fitted her perfectly, and silver earrings, half hidden by her hair.

Soon she was on Grant Avenue approaching the red and yellow marquee and the lanterns that illuminated the entrance of the Far East Cafe. It was a favorite place to meet friends; meeting Griff's Father was an adventure. His Dad, Griff had told her, would order a lot of dishes because that was what Claude McGuire liked to do at Chinese restaurants.

arrow Claude? Professor McGuire? would also be walking -- probably on his way -- since the hotel where he was staying was only a few blocks away. Griff was driving up from Stanford and might arrive a little late if team practice ran late and/or parking was difficult.