"The order in which the exterior icons should be followed is not apparent, except for the three on the gameboard," Professor McGuire observed. "It might be possible to find the key without solving all the icons, but the order in which they are solved could be a factor. How are you approaching this puzzle?"

Caydance smiled at the pedagogical echo of his words. "In the slides, you can see the gameboard I created, and here are the pieces I made." She opened the plastic box where they resided. "Each one will be explored and then affixed to the gameboard. In the process, it is possible that the location of the key will emerge."

If he had any suggestions as regards order that would be of great interest, she told Griff's Dad. "Meanwhile, I am working on icons that refer to art works with which I am familiar, but there is one image that I have no way of identifying." She handed him the game piece, which was a cross section of a house. Inside, there were three stories; a staircase led to an attic, where beside a television viewing area, a tiny person was playing a green piano.

arrow "Little Computer People"! he exclaimed. "It is a fantastic simulation game!"