duty free bag Caydance's brother Jack walked over to her studio table. Carefully picked up the BOWAK.

"I shook it when it first arrived", Caydance informed him. "I don't think there is a bomb inside, and there is no odor that indicates the presence of body parts. Probably it is just a continuation of the protruding accordion fold tail, which is affixed to the inside bottom, I deduce, since I cannot pull it out. From a study of the icons on the exterior, my conclusion is that what I will find -- if I locate the key and open the BOWAK -- is a revelation of the artist's identity or identities."

"Shaking it was not a good idea," her brother commented. "Furthermore, there could be poison or a razor-sharp implement inside. I need to have this thing looked at by the lab of an agency I have connections with." He picked it up and put it into the duty-free store bag that had originally contained a six pack of beer.

arrow "You mean you are just going to take a work of art that I've been hired to identify? On what authority?"