"...a good opportunity for our offense to break through." Griff concluded his narrative, which had also encompassed Oregon's 2 wins 4 losses record; a multitude of injuries on the Oregon sidelines; and the usual disclaimer that he could not reveal Stanford's game plan and depth chart.

"The other news", he added, "is that Dad is on his way to Calgary, as we speak. He is looking forward to showing my Mother the photos you took of me on the Stanford sidelines; eating hamburger and fries on the wharf; cooking steak on the barbeque; reading Problems in Contract Law on the coach; my knee with the new silk ace bandage thing (while watching the Raiders beat Seattle); and the one of you and me on the beach that you took with the tripod and shutter delay. See you Saturday night."

"I'm planning to spend Saturday exploring the route of Howard Fried's (post-University Art Museum cake destruction) six-hour East Bay walking journey, which is the source of one of the texts on the BOWAK," Caydance told Griff, without waiting for an answer. "Then, for Tuesday's class, I'll review color printing technologies and their use in accordion fold books. Saturday night, I'll tell you about Fried's journey and show you beautiful accordion fold books. Is roast chicken and potatoes with gravy and sausage and apple stuffing and Japanese beer your idea of a light dinner?"

arrow Purring noises issued from the telephone. "Perfect. I'll call you from the airport."