"My sister has a substantial trust fund," Jack, who knew very well that his sister never divulged this, told Griff.

Griff, who was sensitive about the difference between his former NFL salary and grad student funding, pulled out his wallet, handed his latest savings account ATM printout to Jack.

"That looks better than mine", Jack observed about Griff's ATM printout, "but of course you do not have a French girlfriend.”

Male bonding was unfathomable, but on the other hand the awkward, unrevealed issue of her trust fund had been dealt with, Caydance thought, and she was not unused to classroom disruption.

"The next image, she continued." is another black and white xerox of a photo."

arrow "It depicts a man sitting in a barber chair. If all of his hair were cut, I'm not sure I would have identified Alarie, but because in the photo his hair has only been cut on one side, I can positively identify Mackie Alarie as the man in the barber chair."