A crude drawing -- but the likeness was clear -- was the next image. It showed Caydance lashed onto what looked like a couch in a camper, while Mackie Alarie stood beside her, grinning.

Fear turned to anger. Wordlessly, Caydance passed the scroll to Griff.

"Don't destroy the evidence," Jack warned.

"Why would I go near him after I saw this image?" Caydance asked. "Or is it a threat of what he has planned. Or just to make this whole thing into a nasty game ?"

"You would not be able to find the key", Jack responded. "The evidence suggests that Alarie planned to pretend to find it himself. Then, as business-like Major Knox, he would contact you with a story that the key must have been in the purchase box and fallen out in his car. Then, he would invite you come down and open the BOWAK with him, probably during a Stanford away game."

"After I talked with Rich, I was already wary. Certainly I would not have gone while Griff was away. But what evidence?"

arrow hide-a-key "Behind the building where Major Knox Silicon Valley Ventures is located, there is a parking lot. In that lot, covered by a tarp, one of Alarie's vehicles -- the 1957 Ford -- is located. Underneath that car, my colleagues and I found a hide-a-key. In the hide-a-key was a key. After, with that key, we opened the BOWAK, which we had brought with us, we returned the key to its hiding place.”