Caydance and Griff stood up together. Griff was aware that like a quarterback rescued by a field goal kicker, Caydance was reacting to sitting on the bench. Nevertheless, special teams (and some things that Al Davis did to gain information about the opponent) were important. "We want to thank you, “ he said to her brother.

"I love my cover!" Jack responded. "Also my sister, who for the first time I can remember, has met a man whose company I enjoy. And I love Giselle, whom I'm taking to Fishermans Wharf for seafood. Tonight!"

"Before I leave to pick up Giselle," Jack continued, "I need to point out that Alarie could have crossed back into this country with a forged passport or forged vehicle registration. To begin with, you can expect a new student in your class," he said to Caydance. "He is only auditing and will appear to not speak English very well. Normally, he is a US military-trained cultural attache in Russia. Yuri will not mention this in class. Don't worry too much about what he makes in the studio."

"That will be interesting. But what about here, at the beach house?"

arrow "Alarie is a lone artist; he has no gang. Even if he knows about this place, which I doubt, he is not a match for Griff. By the way, has Griff introduced you to his neighbors?"

"Retired Raiders offensive linesmen," Griff said. "We'll have my friends and their wives over for beer and chips soon!"