In the game film coverage of the last play of the first quarter of the Stanford-Oregon game, wide receiver Tom Henley fielded a Ducks punt; negotiated a ton of Ducks tacklers; and cut loose for an historic 92-yard run.

"At the time I thought that it doesn’t get better than that, and I could replay it over and over," Griff said, "but that can occur tomorrow -- before I read law books, you sort slides, your brother shows up at half time because he remembers that Chris Bahr is the kicker, and the Raiders beat the Dolphins."

He reached over; turned off the TV. There was no need to turn off the studio lights, because at that moment, the only light source was the TV monitor.

arrow In Caydance’s ear, he whispered a John Matuzak quote, which Caydance did not think Matuzak had actually said. About an hour later, Griff assured her that it often appeared in motivational quotes from distinguished defensive linesmen.