In the beach house, when the Raiders-Dolphins game concluded Griff turned off the TV. Jack picked up the duty-free bag in which the BOWAK resided. Caydance cleared space on her drawing table. All three of them pulled up chairs.

Caydance reached in the bag and removed the BOWAK. A small key-like thing was inserted in the lock. It was clearly not the original key.

"I now believe that the original key is in the lost and found at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art," Caydance said. "If that turns out to be the case, and the lab to which Jack has connections has not found any dangerous substances inside it, given that this is a commission, wouldn't it be more proper for me to pick up the key at SFMOMA, open the object with the intended key, and report on my findings to Major Knox?"

arrow "Under some circumstances," her brother responded, "you are correct -- that would be the way to proceed. But there are issues with what is revealed inside the BOWAK, with the fact that Major Knox is currently under a preliminary investigation by a Federal agency, and with potential danger to you."