"I asked Dad how my Mother looked. I feared he would say he didn't notice. But what he said was 'Your Mother wore a beautiful gray sweater and an ocean bluegreen scarf, and for an hour I forgot about the paper I was presenting the following day.'"

According to Griff's Father's account of lunch in the Bow Valley, Claude asked Genevieve about the women she is coaching at the skating club. She has several students at the competition level and will be traveling with them. He talked about shepherding his students through the difficulties of a graduate degree in math. But he succeeded in not talking about his research throughout the entire meal. "This," I told him, "is amazing, but sooner or later algorithmic number theory will seep into the conversation, or you will not feel at home."

"'Contingently', Dad replied, 'the members of the Calgary Number Theory Group are looking to a future where every spring they get together with fellow number theorists from all around the area for Alberta Number Theory Days.

arrow "'Sort like the Raiders Spring Training camp in Santa Rosa?' I asked. Dad did not think this was funny, but that conversation led into the big news: Professor Claude McGuire has accepted the Calgary Spring Semester Visiting Professor job."