"Mackie Alarie is not armed, and he has no gang. What he does have is disguises, an unknown hiding place, and according to your brother, the ability to counterfeit documents," Griff said to Caydance.

"He does not know that we have opened the BOWAK and are aware of his other identities," Caydance responded. “The most likely disguise he will continue to use is the man with the long straight bright red hair, a disguise which he does not know has been blown. He is probably reluctant to use the Major Knox identity in a situation as public as Stanford Stadium because by now he will have received a federal agency search warrant for the Major Knox Silicon Valley Ventures books. I’ll call Jack and let him know that Alarie has been spotted in Palo Alto. There could be some credit card records at the Stanford Ticketing office."

“As nefarious as this may sound, he probably forged a Stanford football ticket," Griff observed. “However, yesterday was the last home game of the season, so, he is not likely to be in the stands again.”

"Don't forget the Big Game. Berkeley is his home territory."

arrow “That should not be a worry. The entire Stanford football team will be at The Big Game."