"If there were things to say about Stanford's 10-0 loss to the Trojans, a shut out on home field on Saturday, October 25, they were said on Saturday. If the Stanford Band would emerge unscathed from their half time performance, that had not been a topic of conversation. If there was a touch of envy in Griff's mind as on Sunday Todd Christensen caught three touchdown passes from Marc Wilson and the Raiders beat the Oilers 28-17, he did not say so. What he said was "Todd's Dad is a professor."

On Sunday, Caydance and Griff showered and dressed for a dinner out. She wore a silky bluegreen dress with a plunging neckline; he wore what he called his "we lost so we have to wear this suit on the plane ride home" suit. "We look like a high school couple on our way to the senior prom", Caydance commented as they entered Griff's silver Porsche. "Your Dad lent you his car. My Mother warned me about what boys wanted after midnight. We don't know what to say to each other."

castle arrow Griff ran his eyes over Caydance’s dress. "If this was a High School prom, unless it was after midnight, I probably would not say what I'm thinking. What I would say, is 'you look beautiful', but I already said this when we were getting dressed. In my life, there was a time when this kind of date would be expected every week by the women I dated", he added, as he put the key into ignition.

"In my life, it would be listening to Negativland at the Hotel Utah, wearing a black leather jacket; my pink fringed cowboy shirt for video or performance art at La Mamelle; a short black skirt and tights for The Mutants at Target Video. "Of course", she added, "my date would not be as handsome as you are."