Down the road which led to the stadium's VIP parking lot, ran the bear thing. Behind it were Jack, Yuri, and a crowd of FBI agents and Berkeley Police.

Alarie's camper was in sight, But, visibility was not good inside the bear suit, and he did not see the brawny men -- renowned for allowing the fewest points in both PAC10 conference games and total games -- who were about to board the Stanford team bus. Enraged by the sight of the monster, news of whose ferocious attack on Coach McGuire's girlfriend had been relayed, the entire Stanford defense tackled the man bear thing.

tackled bear Like a receiver's helmet after a penalty-resulting hit, the bear mask sailed into the air. Unmasked, Alarie spotted the rapidly approaching federal agents and Berkeley police officers. "Protective Custody" he yelled.

arrow "You are under arrest for assault and battery, attempt to kidnap, taking money from investors under false pretenses, pocketing money that was meant for real entrepreneurs, and counterfeiting Stanford University football tickets and City of Berkeley parking stickers", an officer informed him, not forgetting to read the slightly damaged unmasked bear thing his rights.