It was customary for the Cal Band to March to Memorial Stadium up Bancroft, past Sather Gate and onward. On the way, this route enabled stopping for hotdogs at Top Dog. Along the way, many other game-worthy foods were available on Telegraph Avenue.

This year, Caydance had walked up the hill to the Stadium on the other side. North Side. Avoiding the mass of people on Hearst, she entered the campus in the vicinity of Hilgard Hall, walked up past Doe Library, and emerged at the intersection of University Drive and Gayley Rd. By the time she reached the Stadium, the Cal Band was already inside.

Big Game Poster Having endured a two-week suspension for spelling out four-letter words at halftime during the San Diego State game and for a male anatomical action enacted at the USC game, the Stanford band had also arrived in Memorial Stadium. They were wearing tin-foil halos.

arrow There was, as far as she knew, no connection between the Stanford Band's USC halftime performance and Cal Coach Joe Kapp's potent zipper action when after Cal's 50-18 loss against the Huskies, reporters asked him about the role of coaching in Cal's dismal season. Today at The Big Game, Kapp's last game as Cal Coach, across the field, Caydance observed several signs cheering on the Bears with the words "Win one for the Zipper".