The generative poem "The Fabric of Everyday Life" explores both the creative possibilities and the “big brother” overtones of ubicomp technologies. In this work, Malloy’s poet/artist/coder’s authoring system brings phrases unpredictably to the forefront at the will of the computer -- allowing, if the reader generates several versions, multiple interpretations. Within this framework, both the unpredictable juxtaposition of wired and unwired objects and the aleatory questions (such as "where is the sound of the modem?" "where are the light switches of our childhood?) situate "The Fabric of Everyday Life” in an era of changing technologies.

The title is a phrase from Mark Weiser’s classic paper, "The Computer for the 21st Century" (Scientific American, 265:3, September 1991. pp. 94-104), where he wrote: "The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it." It should be noted that in addition to primary researcher work in the field, (for instance, the wireless chalk is taken from "The Computer for the 21st Century"), some of the wired objects in the poem could be created with artists’ "Internet of things" uses of Arduino.