blue shirt........................The water glowed
soft the early morning sun. I picked my way
warm milk...................... across the rocks, holding my coffee in a once white ceramic mug
the sound of water......... Gunter's dog Browser and my cat, a subtle tabby called
rain................................ variously Wink or Winsock followed behind me
cold water...................... jostling each other at the edge of the stream.

blood stains.................... brown grass on the hills... a flowered dress.............. a circle of purple hyacinths................. sleep............................... background noise............ low flying planes............. brass fixtures............... the smell of green grass.... warm sun......................... a red front door................ cold cereal........................ working............................ surrounded by ancient computers.................... a white shirt....................... making love...................... the children laughing.......... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... never know why............... nausea.............................. footprints.......................... unwashed windows........... a dark corner.................... the pine trees overhead...... walking............................. riding................................ the horizon........................

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