the calming, circular motion....
soft fur................
set into a decaying tree trunk.........
the sound of water
........................................."You say that Gwen, but you are always coming home
cold water,............with rare wildflowers semi-wilted in your back
pack," Gunter said.
purple lupine on the hillside
walking down to the water.."But in this case, Gunter,"I
a flowered dress............."How could I know if, on previous day,
another hiker
unexpected woodland events.....hadn't
opened one of the beers,
spring water in winter................drank it,
the smell of hops and honey......and then, noticing the visual gap left
by the departed beer
across the creek from our cabin......peed in the bottle,
.............................................and after replacing the cap,
the smell of green grass.......put it back on the shelf in the golden
warm stones by the river....
a red front door
under the eves of the porch.......................
a black woodstove............................
Bring home a pizza..........
screen has been going
making love......................
a black and white document..........
the faded blanket on the daybed