"The connections between one element of the story and another
were not always obvious to the emperor;
the objects could have various meanings;
a quiver filled with arrows could indicate the approach of war,
or an abundance of time,
or else an armorer's shop;
an hourglass could mean time passing or time past,
or sand, or a place where hourglasses are made,"
Italo Calvino wrote in Invisible Cities.
something lying ahead
into uncharted electronic waters...........................
when all the elegant code
she moved between obsolete
while the grass replenished itself........
where tatoos are drawn on sailor's
as we march along........
in song and story......
mining my memories.......
and the deer and the buffalo play
come and sit by my side if you love me.....
the smell of hops and honey....
The daily in and out flow of a billion bytes......
the smell of green grass.....
warm stones by the river.................
a red front door................
to the woodpile four times................
under the eves of the porch........................
inside, the text was black......................
and then I'd wish for....................
making love......................
a black and white document..........
hand carved napkin rings.........................
we call our own......................
mustard colored tiles...............
a glass of champagne..............................
"What is the use then of all your traveling?"