another sip of
soft fur
................The guy from Microsoft came in this morning,"
set in the slow moving of the men at the next table
the sound of the other.
the smell of hops and honey..........It was September,
running out of control.....and the Aspen were turning gold across the
cold river.
....................Gunter and I drank our Samual Adams Winterbrew silently
started up and running.....waiting for a denoument of the
with application programs.......that never came.
......between obsolete machines
honeycoated barbed words..........
unexpected woodland events.......
only black coffee for breakfast........
surrounded by ancient computers....
the smell of green grass.......
early morning sun........
a red front door..............
Sauvignon Blanc.........
5 miles up, 5 miles down......
on my other side.........
for as long as I could
along the stream for several miles........