continuously logged on........."Hello
in the background........
.......Here I am at a hotel overlooking the ocean,"
from whence their texts
emerged.....Milton wrote on our staff conference.
in the
woods, the snow was falling....... without divulging his exact
frosted grass in the meadow.......
shutdown.......Greece? Italy? The South of France?
beneath its deceptive accessibility........
.......... Was there an ocean near Boca Raton?
absence of of graphic design all too apparent
an armful of logs.......I pictured Milton and Mary ripping each
other's clothes off
on a bed in a hotel room overlooking the ocean.
like rocks or sharp pieces of broken glass......."Just a minute,"
Milton told her.
black icy streets................."I have to logon first."
at regular intervals.........
pushing their way through the black earth of
outside of Durango, Utica, Gainesville, and Alameda.
In Boca Raton, where the snow never falls............
her soulmate in the vast halls ........
in flesh to flesh interactions..........
dragging me under the funding found to preserve endangered species
hunting and gathering in cyberspace........
blue shirt.......................
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
a dark corner....................
the horizon........................