blue shirt........................Lacking a door, the potters shed was completely open on one side.
soft fur...........................In the distance, Gunter was walking down to the Creek
warm milk......................with Browser at his heels.
the sound of water.........It was beginning to get cold.
cold water while the wheel spun around and around............While the wheel spun around and around,
blood stains.................
brown grass on the hills...on the hill across the creek,
a flowered dress..............Jerry was stalking something.
a glass of beer................. sleep...............................I buttoned up my jacket.
background noise............The floor of the shed was littered with pieces of broken pots.
low flying planes.............
at the mercy of the mechanics............... (In January, it was so cold
to the still frozen ground near the river bank......... ......that the water froze on the surface
a red front door................of the leftover coffee in our mugs.)
cold cereal........................ Saturday morning............................ making things.................... a white shirt....................... making love...................... the children laughing.......... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... never know why............... nausea.............................. footprints.......................... unwashed windows........... a dark corner.................... the pine trees overhead...... walking............................. riding................................ the horizon........................

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